Letras de Canciones de Dillinger Four

Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Dillinger Four.

Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de Dillinger Four más buscadas.

  1. Super Models Don't Drink Colt .45
  2. #51 Dick Butkus
  3. A Floater Left With Pleasure In The Executive Washroom
  4. A Jingle For The Product
  5. All Rise For The Rational Anthem
  6. Americaisapremierefaithbasedinitiative
  7. Americaspremierefaithbasedinitiative
  8. An American Banned
  9. Are You The Motherfucker With The Banana?
  10. Bite The Curb, Bite The Curb
  11. BiteTheCurbBiteTheCurb
  12. Contemplate This On The Tree Of Woe
  13. D4=Putting the "F" Back in "Art
  14. Define "Learning Disorder
  15. DoubleWhiskeyCokeNoIce
  16. Farts Are Jazz To Assholes
  18. Fired-Side Chat
  19. Folk Song
  20. Fuck You, Ms. Rochelle
  21. Fuzzy Pink Hand-Cuffs
  22. Fuzzy Pink Handcuffs
  23. Gainesville
  24. Get Your Study Hall Outta My Recess
  25. Hand Made Hard Times Handed Back
  26. He's A Shithead (yeah, yeah)
  27. Hi-Pro Glow
  28. Holy Shit
  29. Honey I Shit the Hot Tub
  30. I Coulda Been A Contender
  31. I Was Born On A Pirate Ship (holdyourtongue)
  32. Inquiring Minds Should Read A Book
  33. It's a Fine Line Between the Monkey and the Robot
  34. labourissuesinthetoydepartment
  35. Last Communion
  36. Let Them Eat Thomas Paine
  37. Like Sprewells On A Wheelchair
  38. Maximum Piss And Vinegar
  39. Minimum Wage Is A Gateway Drug
  40. Mosh For Jesus
  41. Music Is None Of My Business
  42. New Punk Fashions For The Spring Formal
  43. Noble Stabbings
  44. O.K.F.M.D.O.A
  45. Ode To The North American Snake Oil Distributor
  46. One Trick Pony
  47. Open And Shut
  48. Parishiltonisametaphor
  49. Portrait of the Artist as a Fucking Asshole
  50. Q: How Many Punks Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
  51. Sally Maclennane
  53. Shiny Things Is Good
  54. Shotgun Confessional
  55. Shut Your Little Trap Inc
  56. Smells Like O.K. Soda
  57. Somewhere South Of Respect
  58. Super Powers Enable Me to Blend in With Machinery
  59. Thanks For Nothing
  60. Thanks For Nothing Pt. 2 (The Revenge)
  61. The Classical Arrangement
  62. The Father, The Son, And The Homosexual/Single Parent
  63. The Great American Going Out of Busines Sale
  64. The Great American Going Out Of Business Sale
  65. Total Fucking Gone Song
  66. Twenty One Said Three Times Quickly
  67. Twin Cities Sinners, United
  68. Two Cents
  69. Unemployed
  70. Who Didn't Kill Bambi?
  71. WreckThePlaceFantastic

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